Industry News

Paddles become the "new favorite" of fashion sports

Qingdao, which has just warmed up for a few days, encountered strong wind and cooling again today. This unexpected strong wind has brought great challenges to the players participating in the 2019 "Dongfan Club Cup" ICF world rowing championship. However, the cold wind failed to resist the enthusiasm of the athletes. Facing the sea breeze, more than 300 world top athletes from more than 40 countries and regions such as France, Germany, Brazil and Egypt launched a fierce water competition in the Olympic Sailing Center. This fashion sport originated from Hawaii in the United States. After it was introduced into China, it was sought after by athletes and the general public.

Long distance self driving, paddlers from all over the country gathered in Qingdao

Many of the players who participated in the paddle competition brought their own equipment, transported all carbon racing hard boards that are usually used very smoothly from all over the country to Qingdao, and prepared paddle models to deal with different water conditions. Players from Weihai bring the racing board to the competition. They bring the local racing board brand "creative" board to the competition. This is a racing board brand independently developed and produced in China. The board is 14 feet long and 23 inches wide and 25 inches wide, which can be selected by players with different balance levels. The contestants in Shanghai drove more than 700 kilometers, drove for 10 hours, and brought five all carbon racing boards to the competition. Not only for their own use, but also temporarily lend a match board to an international player with damaged equipment for emergency response. Players from Wuhan also drive with a racing board to participate, because it is easier to achieve good results by using their own long-term running in competition equipment.

Extreme sports enthusiasts are full of praise and hope that paddle sports can be popularized

Mr. Guo, who originally planned to go to Qingdao to participate in the International Mountain cross-country race, came from Shenzhen. After learning that Qingdao held the world paddle championship at the same time in recent days, he did not hesitate to come to watch the race. Mr. Guo has participated in many extreme sports and is particularly fond of paddle. "Paddle sports require skills, not only strength, but also balance." He believes that paddle, as a water sport, has its unique advantages: "its safety factor is relatively high. Unlike some extreme sports, there are risks such as collision. In addition, I think the appreciation of paddle events is also very high, which is also a kind of enjoyment for people watching the games." Mr. Guo expressed the hope that this emerging water sports project can take this opportunity to be popularized throughout the country and make more people fall in love with paddle sports.


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